Ep. 839 - Viking Tales Pt. 7 - Harald's Battle - A Norwegian Saga

Ep. 839 - Viking Tales Pt. 7 - Harald's Battle - A Norwegian Saga


Now King Halfdan had many foes. When he was alive they were afraid to make war upon him, for he was a mighty warrior. But when Harald became king, they said:

"He is but a lad. We will fight with him and take his land."

So they began to make ready. King Harald heard of this and he laughed and said:

"Good! 'Foes'-fear' is thirsty, and my legs are stiff with much sitting."

He called three men to him. To one he gave an arrow, saying:

"Run and carry this arrow north. Give it into the hands of the master of the next farm, and say that all men are to meet here within two weeks from this day. They must come ready for war and mounted on horses. Say also that if a man does not obey this call, or if he receives this arrow and does not carry it on to his next neighbor, he shall be outlawed from this country, and his land shall be taken from him."

He gave arrows to the other two men and told them to run south and east with the same message.

So all through King Harald's country men were soon busy mending helmets and polishing swords and making shields. There was blazing of forges and clanging of anvils all through the land.

Ep. 840 - Viking Tales Pt. 8 - Gyda's Saucy Message - A Norwegian Saga

Ep. 840 - Viking Tales Pt. 8 - Gyda's Saucy Message - A Norwegian Saga

Ep. 838 - Viking Tales Pt. 6 - Harald is King - A Norwegian Saga

Ep. 838 - Viking Tales Pt. 6 - Harald is King - A Norwegian Saga