Ep. 951 - The Passing of Loku - A Philippine Folktale

Ep. 951 - The Passing of Loku - A Philippine Folktale

The tale of Loku is applied to a large, ugly lizard which climbs to the rafters of houses and gives the peculiar cry that suggests its name. This lizard, although hideous, is harmless; it lives on centipedes. Its strange cry may be heard everywhere in the Philippine Islands.

Hundreds of years ago a very wicked king named Loku ruled the Philippines. He was cruel and unjust, and condemned to death all who refused to do his bidding. He had vast armies and made war on all until his name was feared everywhere.

Ep. 952 - The Light of the Fly - A Philippine Folktale

Ep. 952 - The Light of the Fly - A Philippine Folktale

Ep. 950 - Scrapefoot - An English Fairytale

Ep. 950 - Scrapefoot - An English Fairytale