Ep. 756 - A Son of Adam - An English Fairytale

Ep. 756 - A Son of Adam - An English Fairytale

A man was one day working. It was very hot, and he was digging. By and by he stopped to rest and wipe his face; and he was very angry to think he had to work so hard only because of Adam's sin. So he complained bitterly, and said some very hard words about Adam.

It happened that his master heard him, and he asked, 'Why do you blame Adam? You'd ha' done just like Adam, if you'd a-been in his place.'

Ep. 757 - The Boys and The Giant - A Canadian Fairytale

Ep. 757 - The Boys and The Giant - A Canadian Fairytale

Ep. 755 - King John and the Abbot of Canterbury - An English Fairytale

Ep. 755 - King John and the Abbot of Canterbury - An English Fairytale