Ep. 710 - Van Wempel's Goose - An American Folktale

Ep. 710 - Van Wempel's Goose - An American Folktale


Allow us to introduce Nicholas Van Wempel, of Flatbush: fat, phlegmatic, rich, and henpecked. He would like to be drunk because he is henpecked, but the wife holds the purse-strings and only doles out money to him when she wants groceries or he needs clothes. It was New Year's eve, the eve of 1739, when Vrouw Van Wempel gave to her lord ten English shillings and bade him hasten to Dr. Beck's for the fat goose that had been bespoken. "And mind you do not stop at the tavern," she screamed after him in her shrillest tone. But poor Nicholas! As he went waddling down the road, snapping through an ice-crust at every step, a roguish wind—or perhaps it was one of the bugaboos that were known to haunt the shores of Gravesend Bay—snatched off his hat and rolled it into the very doorway of the tavern that he had been warned, under terrible penalties, to avoid.

Ep. 711 - Roistering Dirck Van Dara - An American Folktale

Ep. 711 - Roistering Dirck Van Dara - An American Folktale

Ep. 709 - The Springs of Blood and Water - An American Folktale

Ep. 709 - The Springs of Blood and Water - An American Folktale