Ep. 791 - The Spook of Misery Hill - An American Folktale

Ep. 791 - The Spook of Misery Hill - An American Folktale

Tom Bowers, who mined on Misery Hill, near Pike City, California, never had a partner, and he never took kindly to the rough crowd about the place. One day he was missing. They traced his steps through the snow from his cabin to the brink of a great slope where he had been prospecting, but there they vanished, for a landslide had blotted them out. His body was exhumed far below and decently buried, yet it was said that it was so often seen walking about the mouth of his old shaft that other men avoided the spot.

Ep. 792 - The Queen of Death Valley - An American Legend

Ep. 792 - The Queen of Death Valley - An American Legend

Ep. 790 - Bushy's Bravery - An American Fairytale

Ep. 790 - Bushy's Bravery - An American Fairytale