Ep. 658 - The Moaning Sisters - A North American Folktale

Ep. 658 - The Moaning Sisters - A North American Folktale

Above Georgetown, on the Potomac River, are three rocks, known as the Three Sisters, not merely because of their resemblance to each other—for they are parts of a submerged reef—but because of a tradition that, more than a hundred years ago, a boat in which three sisters had gone out for a row was swung against one of these rocks. The day was gusty and the boat was upset. All three of the girls were drowned. Either the sisters remain about this perilous spot or the rocks have prescience; at least, those who live near them on the shore hold one view or the other, for they declare that before every death on the river the sisters moan, the sound being heard above the lapping of the waves. It is different from any other sound in nature.

Ep. 659 - Two Lives for One - A North American Folktale

Ep. 659 - Two Lives for One - A North American Folktale

Ep. 657 - Lake of the Dismal Swamp - A North American Folktale

Ep. 657 - Lake of the Dismal Swamp - A North American Folktale