The Folktale Project

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Ep. 560 - Mind or Luck - Which? - An Armenian Folktale

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Mind or Luck - Which? The Folktale Project

Mind and Luck were one day debating.

“It is only by me that a man becomes a man,” said Luck.

“No, it is by me,” insisted Mind. At last they decided to make a trial upon a villager who was working on a neighboring farm. Luck first approached the man, and lo! the ploughshare unearthed a jug. The farmer stopped, and opening the mouth of the jug saw that it was full of gold coins.

“Ah!” he exclaimed, “I shall be a rich man.” But soon he changed his mind and said,—“Yes, but how will it be if thieves hear about my wealth, and come and rob me, and upon my resistance, kill me?”