Ep. 1088 - The Topaz Story Book - Why the Autumn Leaves are Red

Ep. 1088 - The Topaz Story Book - Why the Autumn Leaves are Red

Long, long ago no one but animals lived upon the earth and sometimes they would hold great Councils. The Bear would be there,—the Bear, with his sharp claws, and his shiny coat, and his big, big growl; and the Deer, who was so proud of his antlers, for they came out of his head like trees; and all the animals, and all the birds would be present at the great Council. Little Turtle would go there, too. She was so small that she did not like to speak to anyone. But, she often wished:

“Oh, if only I could do some good deed! What could such a little creature as I do? Anyway,” she thought, “I’ll be on the watch,—and it may be that some time there will be a chance for me to do something for my people.”

Little Turtle never forgot about that good deed she had planned to perform. One day the opportunity came to her. She was at the Council, and the animals were saying:

“It is so dark here, we have only the Snowlight to see by. It is gloomy, too. Couldn’t we make a light and place it up in Skyland?” they asked.

Little Turtle said: “Please let me go up to Skyland? I am sure that I can make a light shine up there.”

They said that she might go, and they called Dark Cloud to carry Little Turtle there. Dark Cloud came.

Little Turtle saw that Thunder and Lightning were in Dark Cloud; and when she reached Skyland, she made the Sun from Lightning, and placed him in the Sky.

Ep. 1089 - The Topaz Story Book - The Anxious Leaf; How the Chestnut Burrs Became

Ep. 1089 - The Topaz Story Book - The Anxious Leaf; How the Chestnut Burrs Became

Ep. 1087 - The Topaz Story Book - Autumn Fires; To an Autumn Leaf

Ep. 1087 - The Topaz Story Book - Autumn Fires; To an Autumn Leaf