Ep. 1073 - The Topaz Story Book - Jack Frost

Ep. 1073 - The Topaz Story Book - Jack Frost

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The door was shut as doors should be
Before you went to bed last night;
Yet Jack Frost has got in, you see,
And left your windows silver white.

He must have waited till you slept,
And not a single word he spoke,
But penciled o’er the panes and crept
Away before you woke.

And now you can not see the trees
Nor fields that stretch beyond the lane
But there are fairer things than these
His fingers traced on every pane.

Ep. 1074 - The Topaz Story Book - The Pumpkin Giant

Ep. 1074 - The Topaz Story Book - The Pumpkin Giant

Ep. 1072 - The Topaz Story Book - Winter's Herald

Ep. 1072 - The Topaz Story Book - Winter's Herald