Ep. 926 - The Miser - A Russian Folktale

Ep. 926 - The Miser - A Russian Folktale

There once was a rich merchant named Marko—a stingier fellow never lived! One day he went out for a stroll. As he went along the road he saw a beggar—an old man, who sat there asking for alms—“Please to give, O ye Orthodox, for Christ’s sake!”

Marko the Rich passed by. Just at that time there came up behind him a poor moujik, who felt sorry for the beggar, and gave him a copeck. The rich man seemed to feel ashamed, for he stopped and said to the moujik:

“Harkye, neighbor, lend me a copeck. I want to give that poor man something, but I’ve no small change.”

The moujik gave him one, and asked when he should come for his money. “Come to-morrow,” was the reply. 

Ep. 927 - A Tuscan Snow White and the Dwarfs - An Italian Folktale

Ep. 927 - A Tuscan Snow White and the Dwarfs - An Italian Folktale

Ep. 925 - The Bad Wife - A Russian Folktale

Ep. 925 - The Bad Wife - A Russian Folktale