Ep. 886 - The Tengus, or the Elves with Long Noses - A Japanese Legend

Ep. 886 - The Tengus, or the Elves with Long Noses - A Japanese Legend


Curious creatures are the tengus, with the head of a hawk and the body of a man. They have very hairy hands or paws with two fingers, and feet with two toes. They are hatched out of eggs, and have wings and feathers, until full grown. Then their wings moult, and the stumps are concealed behind their dress, which is like that of a man. They walk, when grown up, on clogs a foot high, which are like stilts, as they have but one support instead of two, like the sort which men wear. The tengus strut about easily on these, without stumbling.

The Dai Tengu, or master, is a solemn-faced, scowling individual with a very proud expression, and a nose about eight finger-breadths long. When he goes abroad, his retainers march before him, for fear he might break his nose against something. He wears a long grey beard down to his girdle, and moustaches to his chin. In his left hand he carries a large fan made of seven wide feathers. This is the sign of his rank. He has a mouth, but he rarely opens it. He is very wise, and rules over all the tengus in Japan.

Ep. 887 - Watanabé cuts off the Oni's Arm - A Japanese Legend

Ep. 887 - Watanabé cuts off the Oni's Arm - A Japanese Legend

Ep. 885 - The Waterfall of Yoro, or the Fountain of Youth - A Japanese Legend

Ep. 885 - The Waterfall of Yoro, or the Fountain of Youth - A Japanese Legend